Becoming a Member of the W.E.U.

Instant membership can be arranged by contacting 01206 766 899, or if you prefer to print off and send to us a completed membership form then please click the link for a PDF version below.

The Workers of England Union Contribution rates

 What you will pay?

No Membership categories Per Week Per Month
1 Full time Members who normally work over twenty hours a week. £2.48 £9.95
2 Full time NHS worker  Members who normally work over twenty hours a week.  £2.48 £9.95
3 Part time Members who normally work less than twenty hours a week £1.43 £5.75
4 Part time NHS worker(including indemnity insurance)  Members who normally work under twenty hours a week.   £1.43 £5.75
5 Apprenticeship Members who are on a recognised apprenticeship. Membership rate will be in line with the training period £1.43 £5.75
6 Student  Members who are on a recognised full time or further educational course. (Please note that if you are working part time during the course then you will be part of the part time membership rate)  £1.00 £4.00
7 Retired and still a supporter Permanently retired or permanently unable to work on medical grounds Please contactOur supporters rate is a minimum direct debit of £3.00 per month Please contactOur supporters rate is a minimum direct debit of £3.00 per month
8 Self employed but I want to support the union Please contactOur supporters rate is a minimum direct debit of £3.00 per month Please contactOur supporters rate is a minimum direct debit of £3.00 per month

You have a right to join a union and a right to a confidential membership. This confidentiality is enhanced when membership is paid by direct debit. However if you pay direct at source (deductions from wages) as most unions use the employer will know you are a member.

When you join you will receive a membership pack which will include the following:

Please note the following: Cancellation of membership, subscription queries or if you need to change your personal details then please contact the office on 01206 766 899

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