Knowing your rights
The Workers of England union recognises that more can be done to achieve equal pay for women. The union realises that many women still earn less then men while having to work around their home life commitments. Many have to work part time due to caring responsibilities and can then face harassment to change working hours.
The Workers of England union actively challenges racism and sexism in the workplace. It has a history of playing a pivotal role in winning equality in the workplace. The union believes that the more members stand up against inequality the more likely we will be able to instigate positive change. Every worker in England is entitled to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect. Equality should be an integral part of all trade unions and they should lead by example and protect their members in their workplace.
If 50% plus one employees in your workplace are Workers of England Union members then we can apply for recognition. This means that Workers of England Union can come into your workplace and directly negotiate on its members behalf. However even without recognition we can still represent our members at disciplinary meetings and grievances. The more members we have the more we can accomplish, by joining you are making a difference.
The Workers of England Union supports an increase in statutory redundancy pay. This is now essential with the economic situation as it stands ….. more information is needed.